
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Book Meme...

Akelamalu has tagged me for this meme. I like to talk about the book am trying to here it goes.

Here's the rules:
1. Grab the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Open it to page 123.
3.Find the first 5 sentences and write them down.
4.Then invite 5 friends to do the same.

Am trying to complete reading this book "The Ralph Nader Reader" for a looooong time...every day i will find time to read 10 pages the is hard but am enjoying it....

Here is a bit about Ralph Nader. He is a citizen advocate, a lawyer and an author. He was born in Winsted, Connecticut. Nader has founded numerous public interest groups, including Public Citizen, Essential Information, commercial alert, the center for auto safety, and the center for women's policy studies. Green party presidential candidate for the year 2000..and this year too..

This book is a compilation of Naders best writings throughout his career..

Today, in Delaware, as well as thirty two other states, cumulative voting is not required. True in most of these states, cumulative voting is permissive. In practice, however, permissive cumulative voting offers little but an illusory right.
Even in those few corporations which voluntarily institute cumulative voting, most states provide ample devises to subvert it. Although cumulative voting aims to prevent a simple majority from maintaing absolute corporate control, Delaware permits a simple majority to amend the corporate character to repeal cumulative voting.

I am tagging Suzanne, Cecile, Kylie, The Queen and Jo


Suzanne said...

Well knew I'd be here!!! And I love the 4 other women you selected because I am so honored to be listed with them: Cecile, Jo, The Queen and of couse Kylie!

I love Ralph Nader. LOVE HIM!!! If I were an Independant, I would vote for him. But I'm not, and he screws things up a lot of the time. George Bush is in office because of him. He took votes away from votes that would have mattered and as much as I love and adore him, I can't forgive him for the past, almost 8 years. And no, I don't think he should be in the current race. Don't get me wrong. I love him. That is not a lie. But at some point you have to tuck your ego into a closet and let what's going to happen happen, with our without you. He hasn't tucked his ego. And there are time when I think, perhaps, that is his goal. Satisfying his ego. And that makes me very sad because I want him to think only of the people. What is the good of the people? It's simply the good of the people. Not the good of an ego. I understand his motive, but I also understand a whole hell of a lot more.

I love you Bindi. You always make me think. Do I love Ralph? Yes, of course. Always have. Will I continue? Yes, always will. He has done so much good that I can't overlook and I adore him.

Love you! Great post.


Shara said...

Hello little sis,
Ralph...oh, Ralph is someone I respect but like Suzanne I was disappointed that he allowed Daddy Bush to give baby Bush the highest office in the land. Mr. Nader needs to work his magic from outside the political arena and educate the country. He could be more valuable to this nation if his focus was on teaching the young to think and act responsibly for our nation's future. Still a smart man but is he wise!
Thanks for putting me in such wonderful company...I'll do my best on the tag! Love you,Shara

kylie said...

hey bindi and suze and shara,
sorry, but i know nothing about ralph nader, should i?
thanks for the least i dont have to think of something to tell you about myself

Suzanne said...

Shara, God you said it so much better than I did. I got konked in the head today, so that's my excuse. Or perhaps I'm just a really crappy writer! That sounds more realistic! Kylie, you should know. Google him.

Love you all. XO

Joyful Jo said...

Hi Bindi,
Thaanks bindi for tagging me.I will think about what i'm going to write over the weekend. Here in Victoria it will be a public Holiday on monday.(Labor DAY)so no work for me unfortunately. i'm employed as a casual so only get paid when i'm working and the domestics don't work on public holidays,although i was called in as the other permanent cleaner rang in to say she was unable to come in. That makes up for not getting paid for monday.

krystyna said...

Hi Bindi!
Thank you for this post. For me it's good information + Suzanne's and The Queen's comments.

Have a blessing weekend!

Ps. Thanks for visited my mom, she is so happy. It is very nice of you!

bindhiya said...

Dear Suze,
Nice to see you back..
I like reading Ralph Nader's books and adore him for how much he have done for the society! If there is more people like him...the world would be a better place..

Politics..I saw bad politics...why am here today? one of the reason is I cannot find a decent job in India...(after my post graduation) for a better job I have to have political recommendation or give donation to ruling party..I give so many interviews and test..everywhere they will call me for a final interview but they already have the person to hire...the one came by political recommendation.

we have 6 or 7 parties in kerala..mostly keralite's vote for candidate not for party. My parents vote for right wing always...(indian congress party) uncles vote for communists.. from what i see any party or candidate is aiming at power, position and off course money.. when they are in power they will forget about the citizen's.
I don't watch TV news cause they are under corporate control..
Simply Mahatma Gandhi, Dalai Lama Ralph Nader, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher are five of my favorite people to take time and read what they have to say...
I love you too angel on earth!
we are having a bit snow/sleet....need to do a lot of things today..
I'll talk to you soon
Have a beautiful day!
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Shara,
Hope you having more snow..
Politics is away from me as I told already..
But I love his work and the way he shows how much one man can do without any politics.....a important lesson to me..
Take care and start packing just important things only...less than 30 you can bring some of your favorite vine...LOL
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Kylie,
I am trying to learn more about Ralph and his works..
Am sure you don't have any time to read...
I am going through Serene's I can understand..
I'll be checking on your place soon..
♥ & ((hugs))

Akelamalu said...

That sounds interesting Bindi. I often start a book that takes me ages to read but I can't just abandon it.

bindhiya said...

Dear Jo,
Nice to see you here!
Happy Labor Day! I don't know why these Labor day celebrations if they are not paying causals and domestics the same way...there is no point..does it make any sense?
Try to change your job...if you are strong enough go through the nursing program...(i know i cannot see people in pain..and blood)...but there are more things you can is the perfect time to take a class..even I did a semester with Serene last year...I am trying to complete it as soon as I can..
so please please try to find something you really enjoy doing not sell your hard work for less..
Have a beautiful day!
♥ & (((hugs)))

bindhiya said...

Dear Krystyna,
How you doing? did you got any snow? I am so happy to visit your mom she is so sweet as you...I try to find translation from Polish to English...but no...I read the profile in English...she is a strong, Independent women. Thanks for introducing your mom.
Have a beautiful day..
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Akelamalu,

Thanks for this Tag.. I really enjoyed it..Now am at page 35 only..

Yes, like you it will take a long long time to finish but I will.
the only book I finish in 3 days was Dalai Lama's My people My land..

take care
Have a beautiful day!
♥ & ((hugs))

Suzanne said...

Hi baby. I just read your comment on my blog because I'm sitting here trying to pretend I'm okay. I walked into a tree limb yesterday and I'm suffering (nearly knocked my head off!). I have to go feed the ferals, but can barely move. But of course, I will. You know me, I almost never get on the computer in the morning. So you know, something's wrong! I'll respond to your comment later because the doctor told me yesterday to relax and do nothing. I suspect he meant today too! OH MY GOD I'M IN AGONY. Mommy, please come take care of me. Of course, bring Serene, the animals will love her!

I love you honey. Have a beautiful day. When I read what you wrote about being an angel on earth my eyes swelled so much I could barely see. I love you. A friend recently commented this is a virtual world, I disagree. You're all so real to me. The only difference is I can't walk next door for tea or coffee. I know who you are and I know you are all real. Nothing about this is virtual to me. Nothing. Will someone probably deceive me? Perhaps, but I don't care. It will never take away from the genuine friendships I've made. You all matter so much in my life and where ever life takes me, you are all invited to spend time at my house. Always.

I love you Bindi,
XO Suze :)

bindhiya said...

Dear Suze,
I wish I can be there and help you. Serene loves "meows and Bow bow's" sure she will enjoy being there..
Please try to relax...may be taking a warm bath will help...we do some oil bath..use some aromatic oil...and wait 10 minutes, least before taking a bath..
Don't strain your eyes...sitting in front of computer make it worse..i think..
I don't think this is a virtual is so real. I agree with you!..I wish we all live in one neighborhood!
Yes, dear you are a angel on every way!
I adore you for who you kind, compassionate you are.. I love you dear angel on earth!
Hope and pray you will feel better soon..
♥ & ((hugs))

Gig said...

Just stopping by to say hello. Interesting is always good to hear everyones similiar opinions on things. I also like Ralph and agree with Shara and Suze.
I am trying to catch up a little and am going to check on Suze, as I have read about her running into a tree limb.
Bindi, please never change, I truly love to come visit you. When I leave your place here I always go away feeling more at peace and relaxed.
Hugs and love to you and Serene

Anonymous said...


I am truly sorry for not returning here sooner - most humble apologies. I've been reading your most recent posts, and I have to say that since we all first met you, you seem to have grown in stature and meaning in everyone's lives. You seem to be the spiritual leader amongst us. You have very wise words and are very worldy. We are lucky to have you. I'll be back, and keep going with that Nader book!
Take care,
Peter x

Joyful Jo said...

Hi Bindi,
I think you might have misunderstood my earlier comment.

I am very happy with my job and although i have only been there 9 months, I am paid a higher hourly rate than the permanent staff. So that is why i don't get paid for public holidays.

Kookaburra said...

Hello Bindi,
Just stopped by to wish you well and i hope you had a great weekend.


Cece said...

I didn't think to ask you first before I posted the photo. If you want me to take it down let me know. I can edit it out. I am sorry that I posted it without asking. I will be in town next weekend. My parents are moving back and they will be coming to stay with my sister for awhile, so I will go and visit them probably next Saturday evening. Perhaps we could get together then. I hope Brian's eye gets better soon.

bindhiya said...

Dear Cecile,
No! the photo is fine...I was saying we should have take one together or some of the kids together or a little more fun :)
sure, you don't have to ask my permission..cause you are my friend, part of my no need to ask..
I love you
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Debbie,
Hope you having a wonderful day with your grandkids! Congrats on your award!
Ralph is one of the writers I politics...I hate politics....maybe because of Indian Politics :)
am glad to hear you like to be in my place...hope one day we all will meet...and I'll learn to drive.. :)
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Peter,
Nice to see you back!
OMG! you think am spiritual leader????
I know you are dealing with net ishews.. but try to give me a reply in your place...
take care
enjoy more blini and steer away from vodka... :)
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Jo,
I saw you have done the tag beautifully!
Thanks for correcting me..
take care dear.
Have a beautiful day!
♥ & ((hugs))

bindhiya said...

Dear Mark,
Welcome back..
Thank you for stopping by and Have a beautiful day to you...
♥ & ((hugs))