Saturday, May 24, 2008

Restoration Complete...

Anyone hate computer troubles???
how about are typing away to your, chatting online...(he is coming an hour early to office only to talk to his daughter...only 2 or 3 days in a week)...back to between chatting someone coming to you and asking can i take a saying yes and they download something and installing whatever it is...then system need to restart...after restarting the computer is not connecting to internet anymore... Now need to restore the computer...after restoring still no connection to internet.... Poor Pappa thinking what happened and making a international call... :))
Now we have new computer...all the data, files, pictures, videos are wait a minute..i save the photos to a external harddrive...great..I have to find it...that is another project...

Hope everyone having a great weekend...
love you all.


  1. I hate it when it happens when some important conversation is happening and something goes wrong. Am glad at least your dad could call.

    I had to suffer in silence once with no other means of communication.

    Have a great weekend... My wishes to Hubby & Baby... Cheers...

  2. Hey sweet friend,
    It was nice talking to you this evening. I'm sorry I had to cut it short. I hope we can get together soon.


  3. Dear Arv,
    Thank you..
    hope you having a great weekend..
    we have two computers working all the time.. we download something from hijack this site... then both got trouble...
    anyway now i have to download everything gtalk, skype etc.
    talk to you soon.
    love and ((hugs))

  4. Dear Cece,
    It was nice talking to you too...
    evenings are just busy for me heard it :))
    I will wait for next time...
    love and ((hugs))

  5. Things like that always happen when you least want them to don't they? :(

  6. Yes, that sort of thing ha happene to me too and I hate it. I did one of those sorts of "upgrades" because my computer was having problems and I thought it would help. I had correcteed guessed that the problem was the hard disk drive, but I had incorrectly guessed how much longer the old one would last ... turns out that it only had enough life left in it to do one reboot and then one lockup ... sorry you had that trouble, but definitely glad you are back online and trouble free.

    Thanks you so much for visiting my blog. Your the greatest!

    Best wishes.

  7. Thank you very much dear Bindi for your beautiful visit and wishes with Mother's Day!
    I wish you good health and a lot of blessings!

  8. These things always happen when you're least expecting them...
    Thanks for your visit, I was away, but not in NYC this time :)

  9. Hope sweet Bindi,
    That's terrible! At least your sweet husband is good at working with computers, I think, I hope! I would be of no help as I often have to ask my daughter for help.
    Don't forget our discussion about getting a bike to ride with your baby!
    Love ya,

  10. Hi honey. Finally, I'm here. I know, I have been so absent. Thank you so much for the calls, sorry I couldn't talk. I haven't been feeling too well. Will explain in an email. These past few weeks have been very stressful and unkind. Hopefully the future is bright!

    I'm so glad to see the view from your home. The pond is gorgeous and the ducks relaxing. Nature always sooths the soul. I'm also so happy you're near town and that you and Serene now can experience life! It's a beautiful thing. I read on The Queen's comment you're thinking about buying a bike for you and Serence. Brilliant idea. It's such an easy way to get about and fun too!

    By the way, I love the new photo of you and Serene and would love to have a copy. You know how much I love you my dear and that is without a doubt my favorite photo of the two of you. I can see it in family photo collection!!! It's just so lovely. The two of you in white (or a pale color) is simply stunning because it makes your hair and complexion radiate. It's just beautiful. Okay, tell me what it costs and how much to send and I'll pay!!! And then I'll take photos of it in my house for my blog!!! That's too funny. See what goes around comes around. Or is it what comes around goes around?! ;)

    Beautiful posts sweetie. We'll chat soon. I'm going to take the next week off so won't write or call. I need to rest. I'm a wreck and need to get a lot of medical "stuff" done. We'll chat after that.

    Thank you for all your love, support and phone calls. You're the best dear friend and I adore you. You know that. Everything's going to be fine. You'll see. I have to believe that. I'll let you know the moment I know anything because you're family. This week is an important week and lots of info should be revealed, so be prepared. I'm trying to prepare myself for the CAT Scan. I'm afraid you know. I'll admit. I am. I'll write to you via email.

    I love you and thank you for all your support. I'll call in a week or so. Give me time to get through all of this. As soon as I know anything, I'll let you know.

    Love you with all my heart,
    Suze XO

  11. Bindi, I set your photo as my background and it's so beautiful! I love it. Unfortunately, I still need a copy of the original for my collection, because my background copy is a bit blurry. That is without a doubt, my favorite photo of you and Serene. It's gorgeous!


  12. Bindi, do you realize she looks like her dad, but has the same expression as you!!! That's too funny!

  13. My last computer died a similar death... glad you're up and running again!
    Take care!

  14. Good morning, Bindi...glad your computer is running again...

    Lovely day to you


  15. Oh, argh, that's awful. We went through an ordeal with my husband's laptop, and we lost quite a bit of info. Now we back up every five seconds (well, not literally)...

    I also love the new photo of you and Serene! It's so sweet!

  16. i had a similar prob last week and i know how difficult it is.anyway,am glad your papa could call u.hope u had a great weekend.

  17. Akelamalu~ you are absolutely right... but thanks god am back...

    Skeeter~ am happy to be back too..
    i really enjoyed your travel sure you and family had a wonderful time..

    Maria~ happy Mother's day sweetie.. like a mom like you every day is so special and i love visiting you..

    Here there~ Yes, i didn't expect that...

    Shara~ I will try to get a bike soon..
    knowing so much about computer is a problem too :))

    Suze~ I will be waiting to hear from you..get some rest and do the things to be done.. I will cross my fingers for you.
    i will email the photo as a attachment.. Thank you for your kind words...yes i know my serene look like her dad :))

    Dawn~ you gone through this trouble too.. am glad you got a new computer...

    Cielo~ thank you! have a beautiful day sweetie..

    Leah~ Thank you..
    we didn't lost any important files...just have to download everything new like skype, gtalk etc.. brian does back up files once a week.. and this computer have nothing important... it is for me..

    Monsoon dreams~ so am not alone!!!
    yes, my pappa call me right away and it was good.. you know our place...he lost his cell phone several times *pick pocketed* so am glad he had a phone that day :))

    love you all
